Beyond Diagnosis: How GPT-4 is Redefining the Role of AI in Healthcare

Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)
2 min readMar 16, 2023


Cover photo by By Daniel CHETRONI

The introduction of GPT-4, the most recent model in OpenAI’s GPT series for natural language processing, in March 2023 was a key turning point for artificial intelligence. The introduction of GPT-4 has been eagerly anticipated because it is one of the most cutting-edge AI models to date and has the potential to change several industries, including healthcare.

The realm of medical diagnosis is one of the areas where GPT-4 has the potential to have a substantial influence. GPT-4 has already proven its capacity to offer clinicians with quicker and more precise diagnoses by examining medical records, symptoms, and other health data. GPT-4 has the potential to greatly increase the speed and accuracy of medical diagnosis, eventually improving patient outcomes. This is because it can spot patterns and correlations that may not be immediately visible to human doctors.

GPT-4 has also demonstrated promise in the field of medical research, where it can be used to examine big datasets, find fresh research topics, or generate fresh hypotheses. GPT-4 has the ability to speed up medical research and contribute to the creation of fresh treatments and therapies for a range of medical diseases by examining the medical literature and spotting trends or gaps in the field.

GPT-4 can be used to make individualized care recommendations based on a patient’s medical history and symptoms in addition to diagnosing and doing research. GPT-4 can assist patients in managing their health and potentially avoid the need for hospitalization or other more serious medical treatments by giving them educational materials, reminders to take their meds and follow-up appointments with doctors.

In addition, the GPT-4 can be used to instruct medical students and offer continuing education for physicians and other healthcare workers. GPT-4 can enhance the standard of medical education and make sure that doctors are better equipped to give their patients the best care possible by simulating patient encounters and assisting students in developing diagnostic and treatment plans.

The use of GPT-4 in healthcare has a lot of potential. Still, it must be strictly regulated to protect patient privacy and safety and avoid continuing prejudices and disparities in the industry. The use of GPT-4 in healthcare must be directed at enhancing patient outcomes and expanding medical knowledge to benefit the entire healthcare ecosystem ultimately.



Jacky Ho (Wei Ho)

A designer and college instructor with an engineering background, who likes research and sharing knowledge.